Through Partnership with Scouting, a Pythian Lodge:
Provides the community with a time-tested youth program.
Develops a way for club members to share personal skills, interests and experiences with youth participants.
Builds future leaders for the community and nation.
Shares the purposes of Knights of Pythias through Scouting.
Forms enduring friendships among future leaders of the community
What Scouting Offers
Based on the principle of "duty to God and country," the Scouting program is for all youth, ages 6 through 20, regardless
of ethnic background, creed, or physical or mental ability. In cooperation with organizations like Knights of Pythias, Scouting
offers a way for your club and the community to bring fun and adventure to young people and to provide effective character
building, citizenship training, and personal fit ness opportunities for youth.
Ways Your Lodge Can Be Involved:
Unit Leadership Pythians can perform various functions to assist
Lodge-operated units in achieving the purposes of the program. These positions could include Scoutmaster, Cubmaster, Explorer
Advisor, committee member and assistant leader.
Technical Assistance Because Pythian Lodges include members from every occupation,
their skills can be shared to assist the local council in the development and maintenance of Scout camps, and they can also serve as merit badge counselors, Scout show judges, and career
day speakers.
Financial Support Lodges can assist the council in raising funds for both operating and capital needs, adopting a special
project, or providing funds for Eagle badges.
Assistance Lodges can adopt Scouting projects to enrich the quality of local Scout activities.
Included are camporees, rallies, expositions, recognition events, and camp development, to name a few.
How to Get Involved
in Scouting:
Call your BSA local council, listed in the white pages of your phone book (or
see , and ask them to send an organizer to a meeting of your board of officers to explain the Scouting program.
Ask your members who are active in Scouting to help
organize Scouting in your Lodge.
Take action and have your Lodge formally adopt the program.
Assistance and guidance in organizing
Scouting units will be provided by your BSA local Council.
The Knights of Pythias Eagle Scout Achievement Patch and Certifcate. For
more information or to obtain a certificate for you Eagle Scout, please email this lodge at least 3 weeks before so one can
be ordered in time.
